CBB系列防爆变压器(ⅡB) 适用范围 1区、2区危场所.IIA、IIB、类爆竹性气体环境. 产品特点 铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑. 电缆或钢管布线均可. 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079标准要求. 订货须知 订货时请变压器的容量,初级电压,次级电压,以及出线口的规格及数量. Application Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2one 2 dangerous places. Can be used in IIA,IIB、group explosive atmosphere. Features The shell is of diecsated AI-alloy with plastic-sprayed surface. Steel tube wiring or cable wiring. Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request Notice if ordering Please note the capacity,primary ad secondary voltage of the transformer and outlet specifications and number if having an order.