BJX-DIP系列粉尘防爆接线箱(DIP20) 适用范围 20区、21区、22区危场所。 适用于可燃性粉尘环境。 产品特点 铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑。 进线口的方向及规格以及端子数量可由用户自由选配,并可特制.进出线口螺纹可特制. 符合GB12476,IEC61241标准要求. Application Can be used in Zone 20 zone 21 and Zone 22 dangerous places. Can be used in flammable dust atmosphere. Features Diecasted aluminium alloy shell with plastic-sprayed surface. The directionspecifcation and terminal number shall be determined by clients. Suitable for steel pipe and cable wiring. Sitable for GB12476,IEC1241 standard request.