CBA53系列防爆控制按钮(ⅡC) 适用范围 1区、2区危险场所。 ⅡA、ⅡB IIC类爆炸性气体环境。 适用于可燃性粉尘场所. 产品特点 ■铸铝合金壳体,表面喷塑. ■整体为复合型结构,外壳采用增安型结构,具有较强的**,防尘能力 ■内装的按钮,指示灯,电流表均为防爆元件. ■钢管或电缆布线均可. ■符合BG3836-2000,IEC60079S标准要求. Application Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places. Can be used in IIA、IIB、IICgroup explosive atmosphere. Can be used in hammable dust atmosphere. Features ◆Diecasted AI-alloy shell,with plastic-spryed surface. ◆Complund structure of safety-increased functions of water-proofing. ◆Dust-proofing inside is arranged button,indicator,Ammeter of explosion-proof types. ◆Suitable for steel pipe and cable wiring. ◆Suitble for BG3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request.